Thursday, January 22, 2009

Britney: I can't wait to move in!

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Britney Spears is a step closer to moving into her new house in the Oaks of Calabasas, an exclusive gated community in Calabasas, Calif. It passed the toddler test. "I just took my babies to our new home, and they loved it!" the 27-year-old singer posted on her Web site,, on Jan. 13.

The sprawling 10,000-square-foot mansion — named Château Sueños, or House of Dreams — boasts seven bedrooms and nine baths, a Venetian-plastered wine cellar, a two-story octagonal library with private office, a bar, fireplace, private guest quarters with elevator, a four-car garage with two auto lifts, and a master-bath suite featuring a sauna and a balcony that spans the rear of the estate. Most important, Britney will have privacy — the house is situ­ated two miles from the Oaks' main entrance.

"She'll be able to live her life in peace and quite," neighbor Nancy Aspaugh tells Life & Style.

Says Brit, "I can't wait to move in!"

Source: Life And Style

Britney Named Most Attractive

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It's an event that's 12 months in the making. The culmination of's Most Attractive and Most Elegant polls draws interest from around the world and gets readers clicking in their thousands. Excitement this year was high as usual with the three categories – most attractive man, woman and most elegant woman - attracting well over half a million votes.

Music and style commentators alike agreed that 2008 was comeback queen Britney Spears' year to shine. And readers clearly agreed, with a resounding 43 per cent voting her Most Attractive Woman of last year. The 27-year-old, who clearly impressed with the trim new figure she's been showing off recently, beat off competition from Brad Pitt's beautiful wife Angelina Jolie, who picked up a quarter of the final vote.

Source: Hello Magazine

US Radio Ignoring Britney Ban

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US radio stations have been ignoring calls for a boycott of Britney Spears's new single 'If U Seek Amy'.

The song has been met with widespread criticism because its chorus sounds like Spears is singing "all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to F.*.*.K me"

The US Parents Television Council has said that it violates the broadcast indecency law if aired between 6 am and 10 pm.

The single has entered the Billboard Pop 100 chart after six radio stations playlisted the track and has already recorded digital sales of 107,000.

"We're confident the version of the song we air is not crossing any lines," WFLX's Tommy Chuck told

The DJ added that record label Jive has provided them with an edited version that changes "seek" to "see". A joke version has also been produced that sees the jockey shout his name over the offending parts.

Source: Digital Spy