Monday, May 10, 2010

Britney Spears Visits Gay Bar For Lunch

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Britney Spears drops by gay bar The Abbey for lunch on Monday (May 10) in Los Angeles.

Over the weekend, her sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James Federline visited the happiest place on earth, Disneyland, on Sunday (May 9) in Los Angeles.

The cutie pies, 4 and 3, were shown around the park by a Disney tour guide, the family’s bodyguard and their nanny. Love the Lightning McQueen mouse ears!!

Earlier in the weekend, Brit took the boys to karate class in Studio City, Calif.

See more pics here!

Source: Just Jared

Britney Spears' Boys are Karate Kids

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Britney Spears brings her boys, Sean Preston and Jayden James, home after a fun karate class on Saturday (May 8) in Studio City, Calif.

Jayden, 3, showed off a cute purple sticker on the way out!

Yesterday, Brit wished all the moms on Twitter a wonderful Sunday - “Happy mamas day ya’ll!!” she wrote on her Twitter.

See more pics here!

Source: Just Jared