Tuesday, January 22, 2008

George's Britney Surprise

The following italicized article is from www.pagesix.com:

January 3 was just an average day for George Clooney — until he came home and discovered that there was nothing ordinary about what was going on at his neighbors’ mansion.

"I just found out I live within, like, 300 or 400 yards from Britney Spears because I came home at 10 o'clock at night and there were all these helicopters over my house with these lights," George told Access Hollywood, referring to the infamous night when Britney engaged in an hours-long standoff that preceded her involuntary hospitalization.

Naturally, as anyone in their right mind would do, the newly Oscar-nominated star jumped to wild conclusions, deciding that all the hubbub was due to an escaped convict running through his Hollywood neighborhood. "I think, 'Someone's broken out of prison...' I get my baseball bat and I called up my assistant, who I thought was in my guesthouse." And, hilariously, George quickly came up with a code word to determine if his assistant was being held hostage by the escaped lunatic.

"I said, 'Are you OK? If there's someone in the place, say the word Stonehenge,' and she's like, 'What the f*** are you talking about?'" The truth eventually became clear to George, as did his only remaining option: "So now I have to move," he said.

Yeah, that might be for the best.

Source: Page Six

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