If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me when "Blackout" was going to be removed from the top of Britney.com, I'd have... I'd have at least $15. Don't laugh. That's enough to get me three Starbucks. Anyway, yes, the powers that be have heard your requests, and tomorrow, they will be granted. BSweekly... love it. They also must've gotten sick of my whining 'cause now I've got double the blogging space on the home page for my mindless dribble. Jive? I love you. xx♥
PS Sorry, bbs! No more tickets to give away on here on Britney.com for Brit's GMA performance. My inbox has reached capacity. But we have NOT contacted the winners yet, so don't freak, k? You'll know soon enough.
Source: Britney.com