Attorneys for Britney Spears and her father attended a closed-door emergency hearing Thursday, a day after the singer's early release from a psychiatric hospital.
The attorneys met before Commissioner Reva Goetz, who recently extended temporary control of Spears's affairs to her father Jamie and a lawyer. The session lasted about a half hour, and the lawyers left without commenting.
Apearing in Goetz's downtown L.A. court were Jeryll S. Cohen and Vivian Thoreen, who represent Jamie; Samuel Ingham, a court-appointed lawyer for Britney; and Andrew Wallet who, along with Jamie, is co-temporary conservator of the pop star's estate.
Adam Streisand, an attorney (and relative of Barbra Streisand) who had once claimed to represent Spears – and who met with her Wednesday night – was not there; his firm announced he was off the case.
Source: People