He spoke exclusively with Ryan Seacrest this morning and answered some questions about the Britney episode.
He also squashed the rumor that they were going to do a Britney Spears head shaving scene, saying they are handling the Britney episode with kid gloves. I think Ryan must have gotten a huge backlash from Britney fans about mocking her breakdown- thus why he backed out of that idea. Smart move.
He said the episode will have Britney in a few scenes (although I doubt we’ll get any dancing or singing from her). More likely is that Britney may appear in the cast member’s dreams since the episode is based on a hallucination that takes place after John Stamos’ character puts the kids under in his part as a dentist.
Sounds funny so far! We all know how funny she is.
Maybe Britney might even spill some music details at the end of the show. It would be huge since all her fans will be watching this episode of Glee. Wonder how badly the viewer ratings will put Madonna’s to shame.
Source: Poor Britney