Hollywood.TV caught up with Kevin Federline's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan at STK and Villa for a chat and to see the guy out of a suit in this exclusive clip.
First things first, we asked about how Kevin felt things were going with Britney and the kids. Mr Kaplan said everyone was 'consciously optimistic'.
Now let's get down to business. We know Mr Kaplan the attorney. Dressed for court, conservative suit. Well groomed. But now! He's got a baseball cap and a hoody. It looks like he comes about 2 seconds from locking lips with his hot blond right in front of the world press, for which SHE apologises. Man, he's a good attorney.
So, these new threads. There's something familiar about it all. Then it clicks. Kevin's gone upmarket. Nothing but designer for his ass nowadays. So what happened to what he used to wear? You know. The baseball caps. The hoodies.
Well... I think we can guess. And the way with the ladies? We would've guessed that Kevin may have tips, but does an attorney really need any tips when it comes to a smooth line?
The following italicized article is from www.eonline.com:
Britney Spears is getting serious about her comeback.
I got word over the weekend that she’s reached out to a former collaborator, dancer Leo Moctezuma. According to a source, the two spoke on the phone last week, but they didn’t get into details about any one particular project.
“They’re supposed to talk again this week,” my source said.
Moctezuma was a dancer on two Spears tours: Dream Within a Dream and Onyx Hotel. He also worked on her videos for the singles “Overprotected,” “I’m a Slave 4 U” and “Me Against the Music.”
And he is one in-demand dancing hottie. To find out who else Moctezuma has worked with, click below for today’s Planet Gossip Now videoblog.
E! News reported last week that Spears is working on a video for “Hot As Ice,” a single from her recent album, Blackout, and reportedly wants dancer Andre Fuentes to choreograph some of the fancy footwork.
The following italicized article is from www.pr-inside.com:
The rumor is over the weekend she's reached out to a former collaborator, dancer Leo Moctezuma. According to an Actorvist source, the two spoke on the phone last week about working together, but they didn't get into details about any one particular project.
Moctezuma was a dancer on two Spears tours: Dream Withina Dream and Onyx Hotel. He also worked on her videos for the singles 'Overprotected,' 'I'm a Slave 4 U' and 'Me Against the Music.'
Actorvist reported last week that Spears is working on a new video for 'Hot As Ice,' a single from her recent album, Blackout, and reportedly wants dancer Andre Fuentes to choreograph some of the fancy footwork.
Fuentes and Spears have previously worked together when he appeared as a backup dancer in several of her music videos, including "Slave 4 U" and "Oops I Did It Again."
Nevertheless, a source close to the Spears camp stated that Fuentes cannot be officially hired for the gig until Jamie Spears signs off on him.
"Now that a lot of the drama is behind her, she's really getting serious about making a comeback," the source said. "Once she gets working out more in the studio, the pounds will come off," the insider added. "They always do."
The following italicized article is from www.entertainmentwise.com:
Having unexpectedly fallen pregnant, former Nickeldeon favourite Jamie Lynn plans to get hitched to her boyfriend Casey Aldridge before the baby arrives in June.
However, the Metro reports Britney wants nothing to do with the wedding because she has been left hurt after learning about her sister’s pregnancy from a magazine.
A family friend confided: "Although Britney had it out with her sister at the time, she's been simmering with resentment ever since. She believes that Jamie Lynn's broken the close bond the two have always shared and is using Britney's fame to make money.
"The teen had been hoping that Britney would attend her low-key ceremony as maid of honour but was devastated when her invitation was cruelly rejected."
When Jamie Lynn asked her, Britney laughed sarcastically down the phone. She told her that hell would freeze over before she'd stand as her maid of honour then hung up on her."
"All she wants to do is live off my fame," Britney allegedly told a friend. "She just wants her famous sister at her wedding to show off to her friends. She doesn't care about me."
The following italicized article is from www.ok-magazine.com:
Nothing, not even a restraining order, will keep Sam Lutfi away from Britney Spears.
The pop star's former pal, who was formally served with papers two weeks ago, is fighting back and has enlisted the help of none other than Brit herself to overturn the restraining order.
According to a News of the World report, Sam, who's banned from going within 250 yards of the pop star, contacted Britney via a third party to sway the 26-year-old back on his side.
"I am going to call Britney to the stand so she can tell the world how I was helping her," Sam reportedly said. "I am innocent. I am Britney's friend and would never hurt her."
That's hard to believe based on Lynne Spears' testimony for the restraining order, in which she revealed Sam had been secretly drugging Brit and controlling every aspect of her life. But in Sam's mind, that doesn't warrant a restraining order, and he's prepared to "fight all the way" to regain access to Britney, his spokesman Michael Sands says.
"Sam is a good guy who does not agree with this restraining order," he says.
The 33-year-old is ready to duke it out in court in a March 17 hearing, where he'll claim Britney had access to drugs from other visitors in her home and fears her life is being taken over by her dad and co-conservator of her assets, Jamie Spears.
And as for Brit? It sounds like she's tired of being told what to do too.
The following italicized article is from www.x17online.com:
We've been hearing rumblings for a good week now that something EXPLOSIVE is going to happen in the Britney conservatorship/Sam Lutfi restraining order legal mess.
Sam's spokesman Michael Sands -- who also happens to be the spokesman for the attorney Britney apparently retained, John Eardley -- quotes Eardley as saying:
"I have uncovered explosive evidence that will shock the world. If so much as a hair on Britney Spears' head is harmed, I will hold everyone who has anything to do with Britney, personally liable and the people involved will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I will leave no stone unturned!"
Meanwhile, News of the World reports that Britney will be the star witness in a hearing set for March 17 in which she and her attorney Eardley will try to overturn the restraining order obtained by her family, against Sam Lutfi.
The report says Britney will present evidence against her parents and that Sam will argue Britney is getting drugs from "other visitors" -- visitors other than whom, we're not sure. There have hardly been any visitors other than Britney's parents and Adnan.
So will this hearing happen and will Britney take the stand???
Perhaps the larger question is whether Eardley is even able to legally represent Britney. Because Brit's father was named conservator, that would suggest that the court has found her unable to retain her own council and, in fact, not authorized to do so.
The following italicized article is from www.hollyscoop.com:
Here's your daily Britney Spears update! Britney's really getting her life back on track. She spent the morning with her kids and when her boys left she went to a medical building in Beverly Hills escorted by her dad, Jamie Spears.
When Britney got out of the car at the medical building, she seemed sorta scared and told the paps "My father’s gonna get mad everybody.”
Inside sources have exclusively revealed to BreatheHeavy.com that Britney is getting her hair done tonight at her home in the Summit by celebrity hair stylist Kim Vo once again. "Security was insane," they said.
Perhaps she'll go blonde? Maybe a rich light brown? We'll find out soon enough!
Can't wait for the big unveiling! Heard it here first!
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
Any questions/comments/concerns? Please e-mail us at breaktheiceblog@aol.com. Enjoy!