Sunday, September 20, 2009
Meeting Britney : Life Mission Completed!

So it finally happend . . . I MET BRITNEY SPEARS! Aye, I still can’t believe that it even happened. My hands still tremble as I try to remember it so i can write it all out for you to read. Here are the deets!
The Contest.
KISS FM, in Des Moines, was holding a contest to meet Britney while she was in town for her show and so I thought I would try my luck and enter on the last day of the contest. I had to write why I wanted to meet Britney and it could only be 1000 characters long. At first, I was afraid that I couldn’t compress everything that I wanted to say into two short paragraphs, but I did my best and sent it in. I remember thinking that I probably wouldn’t win and I didn’t even say a prayer.
The Call.
The contest ended a week before Britney’s Circus show and I was casually checking my email everyday the week of her show just to re-assure myself that I hadn’t won. It was Thursday and I still hadn’t gotten an email and I was sure that I didn’t win because the concert was the next day. So I just let it slip my mind for the rest of the day.
I had left my phone on vibrate in my school bag and after dinner I decided to check it to see if I got any texts from my friend, Michi. Instead, I found two missed calls from a number that I didn’t know and a voicemail. I didn’t think anything of it but I decided to check the voicemail and I heard . . . “This is Greg Chace with KISS FM . . .” I immediately hung up and called the uknown number, I didn’t even listen to the rest of the message. I knew exactly why they were calling me.
Greg Chace answered and I blurted out “HI, MY NAME IS DANIEL HODAPP! YOU CALLED ME? WAS IT ABOUT BRITNEY?” He asked me a series of questions that only a person who read my contest entry would know. I answered “YES” to every question and then he asked me the final question “Are you going to freak out when you meet her tomorrow?” All I could manage to say was “HUH?, WHAT?, ARE YOUR KIDDING ME?, SERIOUSLY?, OMG! . . . OMG!”, while jumping up and down like a lil girl. After the call, I was trembling and couldn’t move for like 5 minutes. Then, I proceeded to call everyone on my speed dial and spread the good news.
Best day of my life.
I woke up and started my usual daily routine of getting ready and then, while I was brushing my teeth, it hit me! I was going to meet BRITNEY SPEARS TODAY! A wave of nerves came over me and I judged whether or not to attend class that day or just stay home and prepare myself. I decided to go to class like a good student and I ended up telling everyone that I interacted with that day that I was going to meet Britney. I couldn’t help telling people but no one seemed to mind so I just kept telling my story over and over lol.
I was finished with class at 3PM so that left me about four hours to get my ass ready and down to Wells Fargo Arena. I ended up getting to the venue way early but who could really blame me, right? I paced nervously around the lobby until I spotted the other contest winner, Ashley. We both still couldn’t believe that we were mere minutes away from meeting Britney. We met with Brit’s promo rep and she instructed us to meet her after Jordin Spark’s opening performance on the floor of the arena . I took my seat and half watched Jordin’s performance and just preparing myself mentally. I didn’t know what to expect.
When Jordin was done, I downed a bottle of Mike’s Hard lemonade and proceeded to the floor to meet Britney’s rep. Ashley and I found our way to floor and met two other couples from other cities and states. The rep appeared from under the stage and asked us if we were ready to go backstage. We all said yes at the same time lol. I felt like the “choosen one” while walking around the floor of the arena to the backstage area. It was the best feeling ever!
While backstage, I got to meet Britney’s tour manager, Adam Leber, some of her tour assistants, circus clowns, a wee man, and Jason (Brit’s rumored BF).
And then it happened. The security guards announced that “the boss” was coming through and then the door of Britney’s dressing room opened. My face lit up when I saw Britney emerge from the room. I was beeming . . . I had forgotten what I was going to say to her. . . I forgot about Ashley . . . I managed to say that My brother and I were huge fans, to which she replyed, “Aw, you guys are very sweet” “Lets take a picture” and then we posed and I told her “thanks so much” and she replied ” No problem, enjoy the show!”
It happened so fast that I felt like it was a dream. Ashley broke down after we left Britney’s sight and I had to pull her together and tell her that everything is okay and that this is nothing to cry about and to be happy. I was shocked that I didn’t pass out or just flip out. I was calm, cool, and collected. I guess that lemonade helped a lot LOL.
I know . . . I know . . . I wrote a novel. . . but can you really blame me? I think not!
Source: Daniel Talks
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