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While her contracted road crew can be overly rowdy, the rest of Britney Spears' tour team are quite the sober, well-behaved bunch.
Spears and her entourage of 20 hit Mad Mex in the Pittsburgh suburb of North Hills on Thursday night for a completely pleasant two and a half hour meal.
The only caveat laid out in advance by Britney's team: no Red Bull and no alcohol were to be offered to the table. That, and no flash photography.
The meal came the evening after two road crew members had been arrested by Pittsburgh police, which followed a statement from Britney's camp saying the roadies had been dismissed and that Spears' camp would "not tolerate this type of behavior."
"This meal was a really low-key encounter," says manager Matthew Salopek.
Britney rolled up in an SUV limo all dinner-casual—in jeans along with a green and white striped shirt.
Moments later the rest of the tour players showed up for the low-key meal. With a table for Britney's crew, one for her dancers and a separate table for security, the group dined on nachos, burritos and guacamole. Lots of the guac. "They kept commenting that it was a lot like West Coast guac and asking for more," says Salopek. "We brought tons." For beverages the group had only soda and water per previous orders.
Britney Spears had the nachos grande plate "which is a meal onto itself. She was in a good mood—smiling and talking."
As word leaked out about the superstar's presence, more and more locals started to find their way into the restaurant. However, the Brit-group was left to itself, no doubt due to the three security guards working the room. "They were unassuming but a presence," says Salopek.
"One of the guys was really big."
"No one went up to them. People in the restaurant seemed to take the whole thing in stride."
And the major celebrity was pretty great as well. "I've worked with far-lesser stars who were a much greater pain," says Salopek. "They were really low-key and it was just nice to have them."
"And they tipped well."
Indeed, after their meal was done, Britney made a quick exit with a smile and a simple good-bye.
"Other than the security guard, and one huge international star," says Salopek, "it was really was a run-of-the-mill evening."
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All those crazy things Britney Spears has done in the past three years ... they've only made her fans love her more, judging by the deafening chants of "Brit-ney! Brit-ney!" before and after she took center ring last night at the Mellon Arena.
Since she was a teen, we've watched Britney rise and fall, and repeat, and now her star is burning bright again, with a No. 1 single and what might be the biggest spectacle any pop artist has put on a touring stage.
The money saved on silly little things like live musicians has been put to grand use in a Cirque-style production with dozens of dazzling acrobats, dancers, ninjas, clowns and strong men, and circus train full of props to lock up and unleash the star.
There were no malfunctions, wardrobe or otherwise, in the Pittsburgh show. And Britney, with a head full of hair, or a fantastic wig, looked radiant and in charge as ringmaster and seductress. Each song was choreographed like a video, ranging from the S&M scene of "Circus" to the lush Bollywood of "Me Against the Music" to the Phantom of the Opera look of "Freakshow."
Britney wore a headset mike, but there was little need to. It was all clearly piped in. The only time when the vocals seemed even remotely live was on the one ballad, "Everytime." Unlike old pal Christina Aguilera, who had her own circus, Ms. Spears sings these songs once in the studio -- with much help from auto-tune -- and the rest is smoke and mirrors.
Still, the demands on her were impressive in this circus: Along with the dancing and running in heels, she spun from ropes, disappeared in trap doors and executed lightning-quick costume changes, starting with the ringmaster suit and peaking with a sheer, tattooed body suit on "Breathe on Me/Touch of My Hand."
When she played here earlier in the decade, people would complain if it got too suggestive. Now the only boundaries are legal ones, as the girls who were screaming back then for "... Baby One More Time" are grown up and back with their boyfriends and girlfriends rather than their moms.
Last night, they got more of an interpretation of the songs than a performance of them. But they still got their money's worth. If there were an awards ceremony for tours, the "Circus" tour would be a leading contender for choreography, costumes, stunts, props and visual effects.
The Pussycat Dolls opened with a no-frills, 45-minute set pumped with piped-in music, aerobic dancing and the stunning presence of lead Doll Nicole Scherzinger.
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Britney Spears reunites with the man behind her first hits (". . . Baby One More Time," "Oops! . . . I Did It Again") for another slice of indisputable pop mojo. While the title and chorus have stirred up a bit of controversy, warranting the label to service radio with a tamer "If U See Amy," Spears has certainly proved that she can rise above any negative press. Besides a sensationalistic lyric that does seem to be built around an excuse tospell out the similar-sounding letters in the title, everything else is Max Martin and Spears at their best: astomping dancefloor beat with building synthsprodding the song along andthe singer sounding like she's having a blast being the bad girl. While previous singles were instant top five successes based on first-week digital sales before the release of "Circus," "Amy" is moving up the old-fashioned way, with rising airplay and sales, showing the makings of a true hit.
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
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