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Check out these screencaps of Britney Spears making her cameo in Madonna’s concert video!
“The video will be very deep,” a source in the Spears camp has told E! News. “You’ve never seen Britney like this before. It will blow your mind.”
As you can see, the 26-year-old pop princess is in an elevator wearing a black hoodie. Another shot of Britney has her with black pants and a white tanktop.
This footage will air during Madonna’s upcoming Sticky and Sweet tour, which kicks off at Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales August 23rd.
Britney and Mama Lynne Spears have been spending quite a bit of time together since Lynne’s arrival in SoCal last week (she arrived in LA a few weeks after the birth of Jamie Lynn’s first child last month). Lynne, lookin’ really supertanned and rockin’ some new highlights, has been by Britney’s side since her arrival last Wednesday and was present when Britters enjoyed an overnight visit with her sons Sean Preston and Jayden James this weekend. Here are a few pics of Britney and Lynne enjoying some bonding time this weekend while shopping: It was a family affair Saturday as Lynne Spears hung out with Britney and her sons Preston and Jayden for an overnight visit at the star’s Studio City home. In town since Wednesday, Lynne and Britney have been enjoying some mother-daughter bonding, shopping at the True Religion warehouse and Pottery Barn on Friday before enjoying a “girls dinner” of salad, sushi rolls, and fish at Bond St. restaurant with two of Britney’s pals. “Britney walked in with a big smile and introduced her mom to the staff,” says an observer. “She looked gorgeous, and I have never seen her in a better mood. She was laughing the whole time she was here. Britney seemed to have the best time hanging out with her mom and friends.”
I guess it was Papa Jamie Spears’s weekend off (it must be tiring being Britney’s full-time conservator) because he spent the weekend at his new Santa Monica home. It looks like Lynne is really feeling good about herself … a new tan, a new haircut with highlights (mebbe she and Jamie Lynn went to a salon for their buy one, get one free highlighting event?) — a new lease on life! I wonder if some of that $1 million bucks from OK! magazine is being used for more than diapers and baby formula. In any event, it’s great seeing mother and daughter enjoying one another’s company.
Okay … so this isn’t really a Guess Who post … I think it’s safe to say that everyone would be able to guess that the following photos are of Britney Spears filming her much baley-hooed video scenes for Madonna’s upcoming Sticky & Sweet World Tour: Apparently E! got the first footage of Britney filming these scenes, footage which natch has already made its way to the InterWeb. Those of you who don’t want to be spoiled should refrain from reading the rest of this post. After the jump, check out two more pics of Britney in the elevator shooting her scenes … As you may recall, Madonna enlisted Britney’s help to shoot scenes to be displayed during her upcoming world tour and some of the deets from the collabo mentioned that a portion of Britney’s scenes were shot inside of an elevator. These pics seem to confirm the talk of the elevator scenes. Woot! I can’t wait to see the final product. Britney looks great, she always cleans up well. What do you think, will this collabo with Madonna be supercool or mebbe notsomuch?
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Britney Spears, her mother Lynne Spears and legal friend Blair Berk were expected to attend the final hearing in Brit's custody case on Tuesday before her five-day trial begins on August 25. But now OK! has confirmed that the hearing has been delayed until Friday.
The reason? Kevin Federline's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, says he needs the time to prepare.
"It was my idea to delay it for a day," Kaplan told OK! on Monday. "But the next available day for Wasser and I was Friday, simple as that. I think I will know better what is needed to go to trial then, than I do now."
Kaplan says the delay has nothing to do with any kind of settlement.
"It's more for technical reasons in a complicated case like this," he told OK!. The door is open if [Laura] Wasser and Blair Berk want to walk through it, but there is no delay because of an impending settlement."
A previous mediation to settle Brit's custody case failed, leaving K-Fed's option for sole legal and physical custody of their two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, on the table.
Court insiders have speculated that the singer could request further mediation to avoid going to trial, and in the meantime may ask for more visitation.
Meanwhile, Kevin and his lawyers are moving full steam ahead in order to win permanent full custody.
"I'm preparing to go to trial until I don't have a reason to go to trial," Kaplan told OK! on Monday.
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
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