Britney's Myspace page finally got a facelift! Her online team has changed the layout, added a new default picture and of course uploaded "Womanizer" to the page. Ch-ch-check it out!
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It seems the Britney Spears marketing machine might have a new initiative, breaking out into the world of keep-fit video/DVD. Apparently, the pop princess found some of her mother's old keep-fit videos and had a whale of a time watching them. Considering how fit and healthy she is looking at the moment (due to dancing as a keep-fit regime), it might not be a bad idea for Britney to teach us all how to dance to "Oops... I Did It Again" or "Stronger" (with or without the chair she used in the video).
As all her fans know, her next album is due out soon, and rumors are, Britney is hoping for a great success. An insider told the Chicago Sun-Times: "Britney is telling everyone she doesn't just want to debut at number one, but break all kinds of records for a new release". Splash News reckons Britney could be on to a monster hit with "Circus"!
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She visited children in the Bronx – then it was time to eat! A "happy and vibrant" looking Britney Spears, ordered homemade pasta with shrimp and fresh tomato sauce during a dinner out at New York's Coppola's in Murray Hill. The pop star came in with an entourage of 10 people, carrying a handheld camera that she used to film her friends at the table. According to an onlooker, Spears asked her dinner guests to say something funny as she filmed. "She seemed to be having a great time," the onlooker said of the pop star, who drank bottled water with her meal. "She was laughing, eating and seemed to be in very good spirits." Spears wrapped things up with a chocolate soufflé – then continued her night out at Soho House.
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Among the chorus of celebrity voices cheering Britney Spears to a triumphant comeback is Fabolous, who remixed Britney's "Break the Ice" last year. The rapper says he's impressed at how the singer was able to bounce back from adversity.
"A lot of people were counting her out and thinking she could never come back," he said at last night's VH1 Hip Hop Honors in NYC. "It’s not as good as before, it’s even better. That’s an admirable thing right now."
As for her new album, Circus, which will be released on Dec. 2, Fabolous thinks Britney's got what it takes for it to be a success.
"She’s just gotta get back to doing what she’s used to doing," he says. "Making a great album, making great songs and being herself. Being as sexy as she wants to be because that’s what Britney feels and it truly came across. Not just pleasing, just get back to doing what she’s doing."
Although Fabolous only worked on one of Britney's songs from Blackout, he says he'd be open to working with the formerly troubled singer again.
"It was a great joint," he says of "Break the Ice."
"We’ll see what’s possible in the future if it happens again," he adds. "We weren’t able to do a video because of what was going on with her at the time but I’d love to do it again."
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Now that Britney Spears has reinvented herself, the pop star wants to help her fans reinvent their bodies — get ready to Britney-cise!
Brit hopes to release a series of workout videos, a source close the singer reportedly told the Chicago Sun-Times.
The pop star wants to share her love of dancing with others and demonstrate how it helped get her back her toned body this year, the source added.
The idea reportedly came when Brit came across her mom’s old Jane Fonda workout tapes “and popped them into an old VCR machine and got a big kick out of watching them.’’
Reps for the singer could not confirm if there was a deal in place for Britney to release a series of videos, when contacted by the newspaper, but a rep from Brit’s label, Jive/Zomba, told the Sun-Times, “The idea makes perfect sense, given Britney is a singer who uses dance so much in her act.’’
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Britney Spears's upcoming album, Circus, promises to deliver club-banging dance hits that willland her back on top, according to music producer and rapper Lil Jon.
"It's going to be a big album," he told PEOPLE at the VH1 Save the Music Hip Hop Honors after party in New York Thursday night. "Britney is very intelligent and she's really set up [for success],"says Jon, who is one of the album's producers. "She is focused and she wants it again, so it's definitely going to happen for her."
He also expects the record to be a mainstay in the clubs. "Her stuff is all about making people party," he says.
Spears's last album, Blackout, stalled due to her much-publicized personal drama. Rapper Fabolous, who remixed the single "Break the Ice," told reporters at the VH1 Hip Hop Honors taping earlier in the night that "we weren't able to do a video because of her condition at the time."
He adds: "A lot of people count her out, but she's been able to bounce back from adversity. She's back looking, if not as good as before, even better. I would love to do more remixes for Britney."
Spears is set to release Circus on Dec. 2, her 27th birthday. She debuted the first single, "Womanizer," last month on New York's radio station Z100. She told the radio show that a tour is "definitely" in the works for next year.
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
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