Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Britney Spears’ dad does underwear check before she goes out

Britney Spears’ days of going out without any knickers on are a thing of the past — thanks to dad Jamie — who checks the troubled singer is wearing underwear before she leaves the house.
Jamie Spears, who is in charge of his daughter’s affairs, is fed up with the Toxic star’s revealing clothing — and wants to ensure her pantyless flashing days are behind her.
A source said: “Jamie makes sure to ask Britney if she has underwear on before she goes out.”
The singer’s assistant, Brett, also reportedly reminds the pop wreck to wear underwear and a bra.
The source added to the National Enquirer: “Britney tries to ignore their requests, but her dad is adamant and insists she change if she’s falling out of her top.”
Meanwhile, Britney, 26, has been ordered to pay $375,000 of Kevin Federline’s legal bills in their ongoing child custody case.
Spears’ lawyer, Stacy Phillips, complained last week that Spears had been overcharged by Federline’s attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, and asked that her ex contribute to his own legal bills
Phillips brought up how Federline recently tipped a waitress $2,000 on a $365 dining tab - and how Kaplan had recently raised his hourly rate.
But Los Angeles Court Commissioner Scott Gordon called it “reasonable” to make Britney pay so much because “the actions of [Spears] caused the great majority of litigation.”
The court also favoured Federline for having “taken the responsibility for the care and custody of the children during this period as a result of the conduct of the petitioner [Britney]”.
Federline had previously declared in court papers made public last year that he had no steady income, while Spears takes in more than $700,000 a month.
Source: Showbiz Spy
New Britney Pictures!

See them all here!
Source: Britney Experts
Lutfi Looks to Oust Britney Commish

Sam Lutfi is getting with the program. He wouldn't mind changing the channel, though.
Despite having agreed to an extension of the restraining order mandating he stay away at least 250 yards away from Britney Spears, Lutfi filed a motion Friday objecting to the Los Angeles court commissioner who's presiding over the case.
"Sam did agree to a 30-day extension of the restraining order," Lutfi spokesman Michael Sands told E! News on Tuesday. "However, Sam Lutfi is not stipulating to Commissioner [Reva] Goetz. If need be, Lutfi can be heard in front of a Los Angeles Superior Court judge." (View the notice.)
Lutfi, who sources have said was involved in the recent effort to get Spears' conservatorship case moved to federal court, would be willing to appear in court on April 16—the temporary restraining order's new expiration date—to state his position.
"There's nothing out of the ordinary that Sam is doing," Sands insisted. "No person has to agree to a commissioner hearing the case. A commissioner is not a judge. If need be, and if this is going to go on, unfortunately, then [Lutfi wants it] heard in front of a judge. Basically, I just believe that Sam would like all of this to go away."
While a commissioner performs many of the same actions as a judge—a commissioner is also overseeing Spears and Kevin Federline's custody issues—all sides involved have to agree to it.
Sands maintains that the continued scrutiny Lutfi has been subjected to since Jamie and Lynne Spears sought to keep him away from their daughter is unfair.
"I personally have been in touch with LAPD, mental health experts and paramedics who were at the home the night [Jan. 31] of the UCLA intervention," Sands said. "They all gave Sam Lutfi five stars for orchestrating and participating in getting Britney to UCLA."
"I believe that if Sam brought his witnesses to court, need be, it would take the wind out of the conservators' sails," the rep added. "We all should just take it down and just have peace and harmony and everybody be left alone. Let it go away quietly."
In her argument in favor of a restraining order, Lynne Spears filed a declaration last month alleging that Lutfi drugged her daughter, "essentially moved into her home" and went to great lengths to control her life.
Source: E! Online
FIRST LOOK: Britney Spears' 'How I Met Your Mother' Clip Debuts

The first clip of Britney Spears' upcoming appearance on CBS's "How I Met Your Mother" has hit the Internet.
Britney's first words, "Can we have sex and then go shopping?," is just a taste of what to expect from the experience Britney called, "a blast."
In the episode, the pop princess plays a dermatologist's office receptionist, opposite Josh Radnor.
Alyson Hannigan, who also stars on the CBS sitcom, told Access Hollywood,"[Britney] nailed her jokes, she's really playing a character. It's so sweet and so endearing, I love her."
Britney's will make her appearance on "How I Met Your Mother" on March 24.
For a sneak peak of Britney's sitcom, CLICK HERE!
Source: Access Hollywood
Lynne Spears Spends St. Patrick's Day With Grandchildren

Lynne Spears celebrated St. Patrick's Day with her grandchildren, Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 17 months.
They were spotted at Kevin Federline's L.A.-area home on Monday. Lynne was photographed holding Sean Preston's hand.
Britney Spears has also been spending some quality time with her boys since reuniting with them in February.
She worked out her filming schedule of CBS' How I Met Your Mother last week so that she could still see her boys.
Yesterday, CBS released art of the singer, who plays a dorky receptionist on the March 24 episode.
Source: US Weekly
Britney Spears will go the North Pole in an all new “South Park”

U.S. pop star Britney Spears will be a character on an upcoming episode of the animated TV series “South Park,” Comedy Central announced Monday.
The installment, in which series regulars Stan and Kyle have to get Spears to the North Pole, is to air Wednesday, the television network said.
“Britney Spears is trying to get away from it all in the mountains near South Park, Colo., when the boys have a run-in with her. Stan and Kyle get caught up in Britney’s celebrity and the never-ending feeding frenzy that follows her wherever she goes,” said a news release describing the episode.
Launched in 1997, “South Park,” now in its 12th season, remains the highest-rated series on COMEDY CENTRAL. “South Park” repeats Wednesdays at 12:00 a.m., Thursdays at 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. and Sundays at 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.
Source: PR News Wire
Lutfi "Respects Britney," Will Stay Away

Sam Lutfi wants out of the increasingly harsh limelight for awhile.
A court commissioner signed off Monday on the agreement his camp brokered last week with Britney Spears' family to extend the temporary restraining order against him for another month.
"He respects Britney, he respects the temporary restraining order and everyone is beating him up for no reason," Lutfi's rep, Michael Sands, said after the hearing. "Enough is enough."
Lutfi, who dodged process servers for several weeks after the order was first granted to Jamie and Lynne Spears on Feb. 1, will continue to stay at least 250 yards away from Britney and any property she owns until Apr. 16.
A federal judge had previously extended the order on Feb. 21, the day Lutfi was finally served.
The singer's erstwhile BFF has been the target of serious accusations from Britney's parents since her Jan. 31 hospitalization at UCLA Medical Center.
Lynne Spears has alleged that Lutfi drugged Britney by adding crushed, unspecified pills into her food, an issue the Los Angeles Police Department has taken into consideration for a formal investigation. Jamie Spears' attorneys have stated in court documents that his daughter's pal hit up her since-fired business manager, Howard Grossman, for money.
Lutfi admitted to giving Britney a handful of pills on Jan. 30, claiming that they "worked wonders" on the troubled songstress, who sources said wasn't sleeping and was displaying erratic, anxious behavior in the days leading up to her week-long stay at UCLA.
Britney's medical issues and finances were also discussed Monday, albeit in a closed courtroom.
"Orders were submitted and will be considered about her medical condition, but privacy issues require these remain sealed," Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini told E! News.
A hearing on the 730 psych evaluation Goetz ordered to help determine Britney's ability to make decisions that are currently under the control of her coconservators has been scheduled for Apr. 17, the day after the court is set to revisit the Lutfi affair.
Source: E! Online
Mediabase Chart Update!

Click here to vote for it on your local radio station!
Source: Break The Ice
"Break The Ice" Remix ft. Fabolous
Check out this new official remix of "Break The Ice" featuring Fabolous. Hope to hear this on the radio; pretty sick! Be sure to spread the word and start callin in your local radio stations! Click to stream. Enjoy!
Source: Breathe Heavy
A Guided Tour
Britney Spears' visit to How I Met Your Mother certainly has brought some quick buzz to the post-strike season. The March 24 issue of TV Guide went behind the scenes to get the scoop on the pop star's surprise sitcom gig; the exclusive cover story with posed Josh Radnor/Brit pic will be on newsstands this week. Talking to the Mother cast last Thursday at their return party, it became clear that each wanted a "piece" of her -- or, at least, admired the pieces she brought to the show. Jason Segel gushed, "She was just unbelievable. She had her lines memorized, jokes ready, and she killed it. And she's beautiful." Neil Patrick Harris, meanwhile, was surprised that Spears agreed to come on the show at all. "I didn't think she'd have the time to do it," he confessed. "I kept laughing, saying, 'You're serious? She's actually going to do it?'" Adds Alyson Hannigan, "[Britney] was sweet and funny. It was surprisingly normal." For Cobie Smulders, the combo of Brit and the March 24 episode's other big guest star, Sarah Chalke, was anything but toxic. Smulders (like Chalke, a Canuck) said, "Sarah is so funny, so nice, and she's the coolest chick. I know she seems like the coolest chick, but [she really is]."
It sounds like it has been a lovefest on the set of HIMYM lately ... I guess we'll see if all that lurve translates to the screen when the ep airs next Monday.
Additionally, Entertainment Tonight posted a very short clip of Britney on the set of HIMYM ... here are a couple of screencaps:
And you can click HERE to watch the blink-and-you-missed-it vidclip. I know, I'm posting every single little shred of new info concerning Brit's appearance on the show but I'm just so damn excited ... it's only fair that I cover the positive stuff with as much precision as all the negative stuff. I smell an Emmy Award, y'all ;)
Source: Pink Is The New Blog
MTV's Showstopper

On Today's "TRL" Live Video Battle, "Break the Ice" beat Lil Wayne's "Lollipop" with 59% of the vote! Even cartoon Britney can kick hip-hop ass.
Source: Britney.com
Courthouse Update - Brintey Owes Kaplan $375,000

Irony alert! - Brit's gotta pay her ex-husband's attorney's fees - she'll write a check to the guy who helped put Brit in the UCLA psych ward and take her babies away from her!
Judge Reza Goetz today, ordered Britney to pay KFed's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, $375,000 for his services.
Media reports had previous put the amount Kaplan was claiming at half a million, but Kaplan himself cleared that up after court last time, telling the press he was actually asking for a fee of $405,000.
So what happens to the missing thirty grand? Well, that's what the lawyers are probably arguing about now! Will Britney have to make up the difference? Will Kevin finally be forced to drop some dough on something other than a big tip at a restaurant? Or might Kaplan be the bigger man and take a thirty thousand dollar hit for his client? Stay tuned - we'll let you know when we hear anything!
Source: X17 Online
X17 XCLUSIVE: Britney Meets Mom For Lunch (Now With Pix!)

Looks like Jamie wasn't the only senior Spears to get some alone time with Britney this weekend - just yesterday, we caught Britney sneaking out with her mother Lynne!
The pair quietly slipped into the Malibu Country Inn yesterday for a late-afternoon snack. Lynne was really going all-out to shield Britney from the cameras, too - she even held up her coat to block our shot!
Source: X17 Online
Britney's Cars For Sale!

Looks like Britney's dad is looking to unload his daughter's fleet of cars.
In today's hearing, Commissioner Reva Goetz approved the sale of Britney Spears' vehicles:
"I assume this was requested by Mr. Wallet [Jamie Spears' attorney and co-conservator]?" asked Goetz.
That was confirmed and Sam Ingham, Britney's court-appointed counsel replied:
"I have no objection to this."
By, by, SL! Hey, how much you askin' Jamie? Will Brit's rides be on Ebay?
Source: X17 Online