Felicia Culotta, Britney's assistant from 1998-2007 and long-time friend of the Spears family, is returning to work with Britney.
Culotta says, "Britney has always held a special place in my heart, and over the course of the last year I have seen her work harder than she ever has in her entire life. Sadly, I am really going to miss the Jonas boys, but I felt I had to be a part of this exciting time in Britney's career. I love Britney and missed her dearly."
The following italicized article is from www.tmz.com:
It's official... Britney Spears will go on tour -- for a price.
We've learned Jamie Spears and K-Fed have now both signed the document we told you about last week, which clears the path for Brit taking her kids on the road for her upcoming concert tour. What, you ask, is in it for Federline?? How bout $5,000 a week.
As we first reported, the way the deal goes is Jayden James and Sean Preston will follow Britney to three hubs -- New Jersey, New Orleans and Los Angeles. Britney will commute back and forth from each hub during the tour. She's also renting houses in New Jersey and New Orleans for Kevin if he wants to come along for the ride. But K-Fed gets the $5,000 a week, whether he shows up or not.
But wait, there's more. We've learned the deal Jamie and K-Fed signed memorializes the custody arrangement they've all been following since last year. Britney gets the kids 3 days and nights a week, according to the new agreement, which will remain in effect after the tour is over. We're also told many weeks, Britney has the kids more than Kevin. So in effect it's 50/50 custody.
Score another victory for Brit's lawyer, Laura Wasser, who sealed the deal.
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
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