Seeing her boys this morning must have really motivated her! Britney is seen here darting out of a hotel in Marina Del Rey to her car after a 2 hour training session. After the workout, Britney drove back to her home in the Summit. She be up in the gym just workin on her fitness!
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Britney Spears shouldn't go planning any slumber parties just yet.
While the time she's spent with her two children over the past month has seemingly proved beneficial to all parties involved, overnight visits with Sean Preston and Jayden James are still a ways off, according to Kevin Federline's resident legal eagle, Mark Vincent Kaplan.
The attorney told E! News Friday that the monitored visits between Spears and her sons "have been nothing out of the norm," but that "there has to be consistency over time.
"I don't think 30 or 40 days is the magic number," Kaplan said.
After nearly two months of separation, Spears' visitation privileges were restored Feb. 22—after her father, Jamie Spears, and his attorneys reached a deal with K-Fed's camp—and she saw them the following day for the first time since Jan. 3, when she was briefly hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center following a custody-fueled standoff with police at her Beverly Hills home.
Kaplan continues to credit Jamie Spears' newfound presence in his daughter's life for this noticeably more amiable state of affairs.
"All we know is that since Jamie Spears has been involved it has been a very stabilizing force," he said.
The elder Spears has been serving as coconservator of the pop star's estate since Feb. 1, when she was admitted to UCLA Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation. Jamie and a court-approved psychiatrist are required to be present when Spears spends time with her sons.
Kaplan said that the next custody-related hearing is expected to take place in May, and he's still anticipating a trial, in preparation of which he has deposed a number of Spears' friends and associates, including off-again, on-again manager Larry Rudolph.
Regardless of what anyone says about him, it's still Federline's intention to do the right thing for his children, the lawyer said.
"The goal is to have a stabilizing and consistent order for the kids," Kaplan said. "His hope is that would involve the participation in a substantial way by their mother."
Federline has had primary custody of Sean and Jayden since October, when Spears was stripped of her 50-50 deal after a court commissioner determined she had violated numerous directives, including his orders that she make herself available for random drug testing and acquire proper insurance and a California license before getting behind the wheel with her kids in the car.
Awwwwwwwww. What a great bday present! Britney got to see her boys this morning without the presence of her father OR a court monitor! "Britney spent the afternoon playing with the boys, leading them around her gated community on their blue wagon, and watching them as they rode around on their John Deere!" Makes me so happy! Made my day.
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For the first time in months, Britney Spears was able to spend time with her two young sons, Sean, 2, and Jayden, 1, without the presence of her father OR a court monitor!
Britney spent the afternoon playing with the boys, leading them around her gated community on their blue wagon, and watching them as they rode around on their John Deere!
Although Brit wasn't totally alone (she had a nanny as well as someone who was video-taping the family scene), she did seem totally enamored of her adorable young boys, who looked like they were loving the time with their mama!
Seeing Brit interact with her boys in such a loving way really proves that she's gotten back to being herself!
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Despite the fact that Madonna and Britney Spears aren't BFF's anymore, Madge claims to be concerned about Brit's well being and calls the press coverage of her problems a "terrible infliction of cruelty".
She tells, "It's very painful (seeing pictures of Spears). When you think about the way people treat each other in Africa, about witchcraft and people inflicting cruelty and pain on each other, then come back here and, you know, people taking pictures of people when they're in their homes, being taken to hospitals, or suffering, and selling them, getting energy from them, that's a terrible infliction of cruelty. "So who's worse off? You know what I mean?"
Don't fell too bad for Britney, she banked a pretty penny off of almost every paparazzi shot taken of her, those shinny Mercedes don't buy themselves ya know!
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
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