By the time you read this, Britney Spears will have scored her sixth #1 debut with Femme Fatale, her latest installment of supersonic, stealth-fighter pop, a collection of songs equipped with laser-guided, heat-seeking hit missiles. In fact, Femme Fatale is more like an F-22 Raptor than an album.
Maybe I shouldn't be amazed that Brit finds herself atop the charts once again, but don't we live in austere times? Aren't Odd Future the only thing that matters these days?
I'm only sort of kidding. Because, frankly, each and every time Britney lands another #1, it's kind of like we've traveled through a wormhole and ended up in 1999, a time when the industry was still flush with cash and Lou Pearlman still lumbered the land. This was only 12 years ago, but it may as well have been 12 million.
These days, we still have plenty of pure pop stars, though none of them are quite like Britney. Lady Gaga is into performance art. Katy Perry is the California Gurl. Pink is the punky older cousin with a ton of tattoos. As is often the case with evolution, they have each developed specialized traits in order to survive. Britney is, in a lot of ways, the origin of the species (for simplicity's sake, I'm just ignoring Madonna, who basically did everything before any of this generation's stars were even teething). She was — and, I suppose, still is — the music industry's first attempt to promote a star that is everything to everyone. And each and every time she surfaces with a new album in tow, it signals the return of pop's Mesozoic era. For all intents and purposes, she may spend her time between albums trapped in amber, waiting to have her DNA extracted by some scientist.
This is by no means meant to come across as a slight against Spears. I fully understand why her fans love her the way they do, not to mention the fact that Femme Fatale is a heck of a pop record, a starry shadowbox of the coolest sounds you're likely to hear all year. It's more me simply marveling at the way she operates — in the cockpit of a high-powered fighter, making glossy, big-budget videos, putting on full-scale pop spectacles. There truly, honestly isn't anyone else like her.
We should take this opportunity to appreciate what Britney Spears — and her album — represent. She is the last super-pop star left standing. There was a time when everyone did things this way; now it's her and her alone. Spears is still everything to everyone, in a time when all we hear about are "niche markets" and "splintered genres," and for that alone, the success of Femme Fatale is noteworthy. Can she continue to survive among her more specialized peers? She's certainly earned the right to, though one gets the feeling she's probably not too worried about that fact. The thing about being the first is that there isn't really anything — or anyone — to compete against. So let others sweat the small stuff; Britney's only concerned with being Britney. Now and forever.
Congratulations on Femme Fatale! How did making this record compare to making your first …Baby One More Time? I’m at such a different point in my life now than I was back then. I’m more mature and much more hands on now. I know exactly what I like and what I don’t like. I guess that can make the recording process pretty difficult, because I’m very particular about songs I put my voice on.
You’re a parent now, too. How has motherhood changed you? It really puts life into perspective. You have to think about all your decisions so much more carefully, because they are affecting your kids too. My priorities have changed and I do everything for the boys. They remind me what life is about.
Tell Us about Preston and Jayden. Jayden is the youngest and he might be the mama’s boy. He’s very outgoing, always making us laugh, and he’s very creative. Preston is definitely the big brother. He’s very independent. He’s really, really smart and thinks everything through.
What are they into these days? Their new favorite thing is dressing up as different superheroes, and they’re just so cute! They especially love Batman and Spiderman. We love watching Disney movies together. I also love reading them Fancy Nancy books (a children’s series by Jane O’ Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser) before bed.
What do the boys think of your music? They are my biggest fans. I make up songs and sing to them all the time. They like to watch me dance. In fact, they join in and do their own moves!
Will they get to see you in action on the tour? They will be coming with me. I couldn’t go on tour without them! I’m always very busy when I’m on the road, but I make sure to have quality time with them every single day.
What’s your parenting style? And what about Jason’s? With some things I’m strict and with other I’m easy going. I guess I’m right in the middle. Jason is amazing with the boys. They look up to him so much – they adore him. He’s their hero.
What else do you love about Jason? We have such a great time together! He makes me laugh, and we are so comfortable being ourselves. We like to stay home, order in, watch movies, go to dinner with friends. And we love to get away for the weekend. Some of our favorite spots are Las Vegas, Hawaii, or Mexico.
Do you see yourself getting married again? Maybe. Never say never!
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
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