Last week, Just Jared had the pleasure of stopping by the L.A. studio of super producers Lukasz “Dr. Luke” Gottwald and Max Martin, who are executive producing Britney Spears‘ upcoming album, Femme Fatale.
Our heart was dancing as we heard more than half a dozen demos produced by Luke, Max, and their frequent collaborators Ammo and Benny Blanco.
Our favorite song was, not surprisingly, a dance song pop phenom Ke$ha wrote for Britney called “Till the World Ends.”
It’s one irresistibly catchy tune that, if it makes the album, will be an instant smash. In fact, we still have the tune stuck in our head - and we can’t get it out. It’s “TiK ToK” all over again!
Source: Just Jared
Let's all stay calm and co...oh f*ck it. I swear to God if one Miss Autotune's tracks makes it onto the album I will punch a B*tch while rocking out with my c*ck out.
And, off topic, Kesha please take a bath. You even make me itch just by looking at your glittery face.
Don't hold this rant against me. I've been sick for nearly a month, in a bed for nearly a month and I'm pretty sure I've gained 10 pounts from emotional eating so yeah, I'm grumpy.