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She's baa-aack.
As rumored for weeks now, Britney Spears is indeed returning to CBS' giddy-good comedy, How I Met Your Mother for at least one more episode. It's been confirmed by Fox Studios that Brit-Brit will play the same role, Abby, in the 19th (and penultimate) episode of the season, airing May 12.
"We're all so thrilled to have Britney joining us once again," HIMYM boss Craig Thomas said. "And just to head it off at the pass this time around: Yes, Mom, Britney's very nice and no, I can't get her autograph for you." They begin shooting today.
What's the ep about? Well, according to Fox: "In 'Everything Must Go,' Barney and Abby realize that they have one thing in common: their mutual hatred of Ted. The new 'couple' decides to go to the bar to flaunt their new relationship in Ted’s face. Desperate to get a rise out of his former pal, Barney pops a surprising question to Abby."
In the words of Long Duck Dong, he's getting maweeed?! Can't be, right? Our beloved Barnana is TV's most beloved antimonogamist!
And more importantly, where does this leave the blossoming Barney-Robin romance? Could this lead to a (please, oh please) Robin-Abby smackdown? My money's on the superfamous, internationally renowned pop star to come out victorious: Miss Robin Sparkles.
As for the tiff between Barney and Ted, as we previously reported, yes, the boys will have a falling out, and yes, Barney will be picking up a new wingman—to be played by Will Forte of Saturday Night Live. But given that Ted refers to Barney as "Uncle Barney" in the future while storytelling to his kids, I'm thinking it all works out just fine...
How do you fans feel about Miss Spears coming back to the show? Good, yes? For the prospects of a much, much, muuuch deserved fourth season of this show we fans hold so dear? I'll take that new season any way we can get it...Comment below!
P.S. Here's an excerpt from the Britney episode script, just to get your HIMYM butterflies hopping...
Barney: Oh, wow, Ted, long time no see. I guess you're wondering why I haven't called in a while. See, I'm kind of done with the whole having a life and being awesome thing. Now I'm all about staying in, wearing loose-fitting clothing, and watching bad movies my girlfriend makes us watch.
Ted: That so?
Barney: I'm sorry, have you guys met my girlfriend, Abby? She's my girlfriend, and I just love her love her love her. We're in love, just like Tom and Katie. [Jumping up] I'm in love! And there's nothing about it that makes everyone around me uncomfortable or annoyed!"
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It’s official! Britney Spears will be returning to the CBS comedy, How I Met Your Mother, for an episode scheduled to air May 12.
“We’re all so thrilled to have Britney joining us once again,” executive producer and co-creator Craig Thomas says. “And just to head it off at the pass this time around: Yes, Mom, Britney’s very nice and no, I can’t get her autograph for you.”
Brit Brit will be reprising her role as Abby, a receptionist at a dermatologist’s office. Production on the episode begins today!!!
Neil Patrick Harris must be overjoyed!
Here’s the synopsis of the episode, “Everything Must Go”: “Barney and Abby realize that they have one thing in common, their mutual hatred of Ted. The new ‘couple’ decides to go to the bar to flaunt their new relationship in Ted’s face. Desperate to get a rise out of his former pal, Barney pops a surprising question to Abby. “
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On March 24, beleagured pop star Britney Spears made her How I Met Your Mother premiere as Abby, the quirky, love struck receptionist. The episode was met with the show's highest ratings to date.
Today Britney marks her return to the show's set when she tapes another episode of the show. The episode finds Britney (Abby) and Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) still dating and hoping to use the relationship to anger their mutual nemesis, Ted. Word is Barney will even a pop a question to Abby.
The show's executive producer and co-creator, Craig Thomas, said, "We're all so thrilled to have Britney joining us once again. And just to head it off at the pass this time around: Yes, Mom, Britney's very nice and no, I can't get her autograph for you."
A couple weeks back, NPH said that he didn't want to use casting as a way for the show to gain attention. He quickly apologized about the statement. Britney's episode will air on May 12.
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Britney’s back!
Production on a new episode of How I Met Your Mother — guest starring the pop star — begins Monday.
In an episode set to air May 12, Britney Spears will reprise her role as Abby, producers officially announced Monday. Titled “Everything Must Go,” the episode finds Spears and Neil Patrick Harris’s character, Barney, flaunting their “relationship” in front of Josh Radnor’s character, Ted. Desperately seeking a response, Barney pops a surprising question to Abby.
Earlier this month, PEOPLE reported that Spears would return to the sitcom after charming the cast and crew. A show source described Spears’s return as a “mutual decision to work together more.”
In a new statement, How I Met Your Mother’s executive producer and co-creator Craig Thomas said, “We’re all so thrilled to have Britney joining us once again. And just to head it off at the pass this time around: Yes, Mom, Britney’s very nice and no, I can’t get her autograph for you.”
Spears’s initial guest turn — on a March 24 episode — earned critical praise and the show’s highest ratings.
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The parental bible in the Britney Spears/Kevin Federline custody war is in -- and it is powerful, folks.
It's called the Child Custody Evalauation report. Sources say it is "several hundred" pages long, and lawyers for both sides received it on Friday. Our sources say the report is a "mixed bag" -- bothencouraging and damaging for Britney.
The report, written by Dr. Jane Shatz, is extremely detailed. There is a hearing next week (May 6) in the custody case and the report could be all-telling.
And, sources say, the report "makes it more likely that Britney will show for the hearing."
Lawyers for both sides refused to comment or respond.
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ET confirms that BRITNEY SPEARS will be returning to the CBS comedy "How I Met Your Mother," for an episode scheduled to air May 12.
"We're all so thrilled to have Britney joining us once again," executive producer CRAIG THOMAS says. "And just to head it off at the pass this time around: Yes, Mom, Britney's very nice and no, I can't get her autograph for you."
Britney will be reprising her role as Abby the receptionist. Production on the episode begins today.
Here are a couple of amazing photos of our dear Britney Spears lookin' as sweet as can be in a cute little blue dress and nice white shoes (no boots!!!!) as she made her way out of a recording studio in SoCal this weekend: Not only is Brit Brit lookin' fine and not at all a mess (she even managed to tame her weave), I must remind you that these trips to the recording studio and to the vocal coach bode very well for a new album of material very soon (I'm hoping for a Fall release). What difference a year makes ... why, exactly one year ago today, Britney was routinely flashing her panties (thankfully, she was finally wearing panties again). It's good to be on Team Britney again.
On the Jamie Lynn Spears front, Mama Lynne Spears has been spending time with little JL in their hometown of Kentwood, LA where the pair have been stocking up on baby essentials to prepare for the arrival of the newest member of the Spears family: Awww yeah ... I know of a certain little young'n who is gonna get about a spoilt as as a young'n can be from the baby aisle at Wal-Mart. Some children are just born lucky. Isn't it so odd that just a few months ago, JL was the last hope of the Spears family as Britney seemed mired in her own destruction and now the roles are reversed. Britney is on the upswing while JL is ... well ... not. I much prefer for both Spears sisters to get their lives in order but I am happy that Britney is doing so well again. JL will be fine as a 16 year old mother ... sometimes you just can't run away from your destiny.
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Hollywood manager Larry Rudolph has ordered one-time teen protege Britney Spears to drop twenty pounds and regain her once stunning looks. Larry has insisted that Britney begin a wellness regime including a daily regime of exercise before he will help her resume her career.
Larry feels that Britney needs to lose twenty pounds and tone up, The National Enquirer reports.
“Larry doesn’t want her to be a joke when he restarts her career-and he wants her to look sexier than ever.”
As part of her deal with Larry, Britney has adopted a diet of six small organic meals a day, regular facials, and of course her well-documented weekly trips to Bally’s.
“Larry told her this is her last chance at a comeback-and if she wants it, she must fight for it,” an Enquirer insider says.
The pop tart is even working out with a personal trainer-three times a day, five days a week.
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Britney's days of gas station and men hopping are behind her. Brit was all smiles yesterday as she left the house of her vocal coach in Los Angeles.
She spent the rest of her afternoon working out at Bally's in Ventura. She's reportedly gearing up for a tour, which is why she's been at the gym every single day for the past few weeks.
It's nice to see her get her life back on track, but at the same time, sane Britney is such a bore.
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
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