Fun in the sun part 3! Britney spent another day in the sun in Costa Rica today at the Barrigona Beach. The media is saying she's got the hots for her TV agent Jason Trawick. Then again the media says Britney has the hots for any guy she comes within 20 feet from. She went boogie boarding! Jealoussssssss. Her body is sick! F U haters, she looks amazing. Keep havin fun, B!
After successfully navigating the waters of a pretty amazing last couple of months, Britney Spears packed her bags, her assistant, her Papa Jamie Spears and, apparently, Mel Gibson and made her way down to Costa Rica for some much-needed rest and relaxation on the beach. Here are a few photos of Brit Brit frolicking in the ocean this weekend: I cannot stop singing the praises of Britney Spears these days. She has turned her entire life around so successfully that it damn near brings a tear to my eye every time I think about it. I am so happy that Britney is taking some time off to enjoy a well-deserved vacay :) And, if she makes a new friend ... a new male friend perhaps ... then all the better -- well, maybe. Here are more photos of Brit on holiday riding around on an ATV with her assistant and some more beach frolicking ... with a mysterious new fella: I have no idea who this guy is ... he may be a friend or he may be more ... he may have flown down to Costa Rica with Britney or she may have met him there. All I do know is that Britney looks extremely happy and that is all I've ever wanted for her. I hope she stays on vacay for another week or more ... she deserves to have as much fun as she can :)
Check out a cute picture of Britney with Lucy Walsh backstage at MTV's "Rock The Cradle" finale 2 weeks ago from Lucy's Myspace page. Britney and Lucy have been friends since last summer, and were introduced through Alli. Be sure to leave some nice comments for Lucy.
Britney (in a bikini WOO!), accompanied by her father Jamie, assistant Brett and TV agent Jason Trawick, was back at the Barrigona beach near Mel's home in Costa Rica today. The group arrived around noon and left in the late afternoon. Unfortunately, there were more than a dozen photographers present today than the day before. Reports say Britney ignored all press attention including paparazzi and journalists. Soak up the sun, Britney! She looks great --- so let's not dissect her body this time around. K?
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
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