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Here’s some good news to start your morning - our cameramen report that Britney Spears had her first court-allowed overnight visit with her sons Sean Preston and Jayden James last night!
Our photographers spotted Kevin Federline’s bodyguard dropping the boys off at 6 PM last night. We believe that Kevin’s on his way for a celebrity golf tournament today.
Sean and Jayden weren’t Britney’s only visitors yesterday, though - her manager Larry Rudolph stopped by around 1 PM. In fact, our guys never saw Brit leave her house all day!
This is great news - we may have been thrilled by Britney’s good day on Monday, but this is even better!
After winning back over-night visitation of her young sons Sean Preston and Jayden James in LA Family Court yesterday, Britney Spears did what any person in a celebratory mood would do … she got her ass to shoe shopping. Here are a few pics of Brit Brit causing a ruckus as she made her exit out of the Fred Segal boutique in West Hollywood, CA yesterday afternoon: Unfortch it looks like Britters is gonna hafta deal with the crush of on-lookers no matter how uncrazy she becomes but at least she’s getting followed around doing nice and normal things rather than insane and trashy things (remember the days of yore when Brit would make routine visits to various public restrooms barefoot?). I say, if Britney Spears wants to pick up some new shoes after winning in court than she should be allowed to do so! The woman deserves anything she wants now that she’s no longer a walking trainwreck. Enjoy your shoes, Brit, you’ve earned them.
Break the Ice is a blog dedicated to the one and only, Miss Britney Spears. So original, right? I decided to create this blog because I was getting sick of going to fans sites that didn't update as frequently as I wanted. Our goal here at Break the Ice is to bring you ALL Britney news ALL the time. Tom and Cool are the administrators and Beautiful Sinner, Joel, Tekkie, Johnny, Juicy UK, Marcus and Jenna Pixie are updaters. Together, we form the Break the Ice team!
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