According to Breathe Heavy Britney has boarded a plane and is currently on her way to Las Vegas.
Her father Jamie is accompanying her.
Source: Break The Ice
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Britney Works Out!
The following italicized article is from
Keeping up with her normal workout routine, Britney Spears, looking summery in a pink tank, pulled back hair and oversized sunglasses, exits Bally's gym on Wednesday afternoon -- and is on the scene!
Although staying mum, the pop star offers up a double wave and a smile before heading out in her white SUV.
Source: The Insider Online
Lynne Spears to Write About “Dark Period of Britney's Life” in Memoir

In her upcoming memoir, Lynne Spears "will get into the dark period of Britney's life — from a mother's eyes," Curt Harding, a rep for Christian publishing company Thomas Nelson, tells
The book — slated for a September release — will be titled Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World.
"Lynne begins by telling the story of her own family," Harding says. "She's going to go into it."
He says Lynne had been working on the book "for at least a year" but took some time off in light of Jamie Lynn's pregnancy and Britney's hospitalization.
She was like, "I can't write a book right now, I've got to take care of my family,'" Harding tells Us.
"I think people will be surprised about who Lynne is," Harding adds. "That’s what I’ve gotten from it so far. I think she’s stronger than people give her credit for."
The memoir, Harding tells Us, "will be useful for moms who will read it and say, 'I can see myself in those same shoes.'"
Source: US Weekly
Britney Left On The Cutting Room Floor

[P]art of my family is out in LA doing the tourist thing. They went on the WB studio tour yesterday and saw Britney sitting outside a studio where she was working on a routine with the Pussy Cat Dolls.
But today, MTV News is reporting that the PCD video has been completed and Britney’s cameo was cut for the final version:
Britney Spears may have looked “hot and blond” in the cameo she filmed for the Pussycat Dolls’ new video, “When I Grow Up” — which will premiere on FNMTV Friday night — but we may never know just how hot and blond. Spears, who filmed a bit part in the video for the first single from the Dolls’ upcoming album last week in Los Angeles, was edited out of the final cut of the clip. A spokesperson for the Dolls could not be reached for comment on why Spears was not included in the video. The group’s members did not elaborate on the edit during the taping of “FNMTV” Thursday night in Los Angeles.
Extra TV has posted a short clip of the music vid HERE for viewing and also confirm that Britney didn’t make the final cut of the music video:
Reports claim that Britney Spears makes a cameo in the video, but “Extra” has seen the finished product — and we were unable to spot Ms. Brit!
Either PCD is dumb as hell for not using Brit’s cameo … OR they’re saving her for the remixed or alt. version of the vid. The song is growing on me like crazy (blame it on the “ha ha ha ha” part) and I was really looking forward to seeing Brit Brit in the vid. I hope we will get to see her cameo at some point.
Source: Pink Is The New Blog
They're dumb as hell.
Britney Spears Considered For Emmy Award

In news we never thought possible, Britney Spears has been included on the official ballot for possible nominees for an Emmy Award, OK! Magazine reports. The pop star’s name was included on the list for her guest appearances on CBS’s “How I Met Your Mother.” The list, which includes 40 others actresses, will endure one round voting by Academy members before the final list is announced. Will we be hearing; “Thank you very much y’all!” from the Emmy Awards stage come September?
Source: Access Hollywood
Britney Spears Cameo Axed From Pussycat Dolls Video

Britney Spears may have looked "hot and blond" in the cameo she filmed for the Pussycat Dolls' new video, "When I Grow Up" — which will premiere on FNMTV Wednesday night — but we may never know just how hot and blond. Spears, who filmed a bit part in the video for the first single from the Dolls' upcoming album last week in Los Angeles, was edited out of the final cut of the clip.
A spokesperson for the Dolls could not be reached for comment on why Spears was not included in the video. The group's members did not elaborate on the edit during the taping of "FNMTV" Thursday night in Los Angeles.
Spears was filmed last week driving in a car for her cameo, though an unnamed set source told US Magazine she did not interact with the group or dance while on set. "They all wave at each other as they are passing in traffic — that is it. Of course, Britney looks hot and blond. It is a very short sequence, but [Britney] had a lot of fun with it. Britney really likes the Dolls' music and when she saw them on the MTV [Movie Awards], she was totally down to do the video," the source told the magazine.
Neither Spears' nor the Dolls' spokespeople would comment on the shoot at the time and attempts to reach Spears' representatives on Thursday (June 12) about the now-shelved cameo were unsuccessful. The video was filmed just a few days after the Dolls performed the song in public for the first time at the MTV Movie Awards.
The hook-up with the Dolls was part of what has been a measured return to the spotlight for Spears after more than a year of personal and professional missteps and drama. It came on the heels of a two-episode arc on "How I Met Your Mother" that has sparked talk this week of a possible Emmy nomination.
Source: MTV
Who the f*ck edits Britney Spears out?
Emmy Award,
How I Met Your Mother,
Pussycat Dolls,
When I Grow Up
'Radar' Release Canceled?

Sony BMG reportedly feels that 'Blackout' is 'too associated with Britney's previous struggles' and that they 'want to close this era and move on to the next album', which is reportedly scheduled for a December 9th release.
When contacted by BTI Sony BMG were not immediatley available for response.
Source: Break The Ice
6th Studio Album,
Break The Ice,
Sony BMG
Lynne Spears' Book Nearing Release

What was it like raising sisters BRITNEY and JAMIE LYNN SPEARS? Their mother LYNNE SPEARS will dish on the subject in a long-awaited book due out this fall, according to People.
"It's her story of what it was like being a mom and raising two very famous people. It's a memoir," a spokesman for publishing house Thomas Nelson tells the mag.
The book's release was delayed last December in the wake of Jamie Lynn's pregnancy announcement.
"Lynne never stopped working on [the book] because she wants to express her love for her children and tell their stories through a mother's eyes," the publisher's spokesman tells People, adding that the memoir might line bookstore shelves this September.
Source: The Insider Online
And The Emmy Goes To...Britney Spears?!

Well, anything is possible at this point! Brit's name appears along with 40 other actresses on the official ballot released by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, according to OK! Magazine. Brit's two time guest appearance as Abby on the hit CBS show, How I Met Your Mother has earned the pop princess a spot on the list. However, this is just a preliminary list released for voters, and it is later narrowed down to the pool of final nominees.
Other guest-stars who appear on the list include Mary-Kate Olsen for her guest spot on Weeds, Sarah Silverman on Monk, and Scrubs resident funny girl Sarah Chalke, who guest-starred as Brit's boss on How I Met Your Mother.
Think our girl Brit will make it to the group of final nominees?
Source: X17
Lynne Spears’ Maniacal Memoirs

Lynne Spears, mom of Britney and Jamie Lynn, will be releasing her personal memoirs this fall, the book’s publisher announced.
“Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World” will chronicle Lynne’s raising of her two daughters, Britney, 25, and Jamie Lynn, 16, and how she groomed her daughters into stars while coming from a low-profile Louisiana community.
“When Jamie Lynn got pregnant, it was put on hold,” a rep for publisher Thomas Nelson Inc. told People. “Lynne never stopped working on it because she wants to express her love for her children and tell their stories through a mother’s eyes.”
Based in Nashville, Tenn., Thomas Nelson Inc. also publishes Bibles, Christian fiction and nonfiction books and children’s books.
“[It] will not be a parenting book,” the rep added. “It’s [Lynne’s] story of what it was like being a mom and raising two very famous people. It’s a memoir.”
The book is due out in September.
Source: Just Jared
'Blackout' Sales Update

On a worldwide scale 'Blackout' has sold 3,6 million copies.
Source: Break The Ice
Lynne Spears Memoir Coming Our Way!

Lynne Spears is back to working on her book. But don't think it's gonna be a parenting book like previously reported. It's actually gonna be a memoir, which is actually more interesting than a lame parenting book.
"When Jamie Lynn got pregnant, it was put on hold," a spokesperson for Thomas Nelson said. "Lynne never stopped working on it because she wants to express her love for her children and tell their stories through a mother's eyes." The memoir is going to be about Lynne raising two very famous daughters. It is slated for release sometime this Fall.
This sounds like it would be a great read. So much happened in the Spears family in one year that there should be enough material for a 1000 page memoir.
Source: Hollyscoop
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