Sunday, June 15, 2008

Britney Attends CineVegas Film Festival

Britney reportedly attended the CineVegas Film Festival yesterday evening in Las Vegas. Interesting... Britney has had several meetings with George Maloof recently, dinners and vacations with actor and director Mel Gibson, as well as appearing on two episode of CBS' "How I Met Your Mother."

"Everyone was there, including the film critics and reporters, the filmmakers, and the CineVegas pass-holders," reports "Of course, she wasn't mingling with the hoi polloi. The pool area has several private-ish covered booths where VIPs chill, and Britney mostly stayed in one of them. It honestly looked like a zoo exhibit, with everyone standing around gawking at Britney Spears in a re-creation of her natural habitat... She was kept company by two guy friends, a girl friend, and plenty of Grey Goose, and she never really looked at the crowd." Those two guy friends were her security, and the "girl friend" was her assistant. As for the Grey Goose, count her out.

The reporter continues to say everyone began whipping out their cell phones to text message their friends about who had just arrived. Britney's security was none-too-pleased about this thinking they make snap a pic of the pop princess, and demanded that phones be put away. "I happened to be standing near her zoo exhibit when I texted someone, and one of the burly, black-clad bodyguards who stood between her and the crowd said, "You better put that away." His tone indicated that he knew I was only sending a text, but that I better not get any ideas about taking pictures. Goodness knows the last thing a reclusive, timid creature like Britney Spears wants is for someone to have a photographic depiction of her likeness, to join the 13,829,387,225,177,981 other pictures of her that already exist. I hadn't considered taking a picture anyway, but of course now that I knew someone didn't want me to, I wanted nothing more. But I didn't want to have my phone confiscated by an ogre, so I refrained. Soon enough, everyone forgot she was there and went back to their partying, like it was just a typical night at CineVegas. Which it kind of was."

In a crowd, yet so alone.

Source: Breathe Heavy

Britney Relaxing At The Mirage Hotel In Las Vegas

Britney Spears spending a day at the The Mirage Hotel where she visited a private dolphin show.

See them all here!

Source: Untouchable Britney

Britney Goes Bare

The following italicized article is from

Britney Spears is actually looking good! From behind anyway.

The popstar chilled at the topless optional pool Bare, at the Mirage Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas yesterday. Brit Brit chose to keep her girls hidden from the public view, choosing to show off her legs instead.

Brit Brit is giving Kim K a run for her tush title!

Source: TMZ

Separation Anxiety

While Kevin Federline made his way to Las Vegas to receive a Father of the Year award from Privé nightclub, Britney Spears (who also made her way to Sin City this weekend) spent her time in town relaxing with her father, Papa Jamie Spears, in celebration of Father’s Day. Even tho Brit Brit and K-Fed are both in Las Vegas this weekend, I suspect that never the twain shall meet:

Although Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were in Las Vegas on Friday, the former couple managed to navigate the social scene without running into each other. While Spears, 26, relaxed and sipped water in a cabana at the Cinevegas party at the Palms Place, Federline drank Jack Daniels at Strip House only a few miles away. And while Spears’s night ended early, her ex kept the party going past 3 a.m. at Prive Las Vegas, where he was honored as “Father of the Year” … Spears, celebrating Father’s Day weekend with her dad Jamie, ate fresh fruit and sunned herself for three hours Friday at the newly opened Palms Place pool. Later, she began her night with a low-key dinner with a friend and a member of her security staff at the Palms restaurant Nove, where she feasted on an artichoke dish. After donning a short black cocktail dress, the singer attended the Cinevegas party with her father, Palms hotel owner George Maloof and his business associate Jon Gray. In a private cabana, Spears showed little emotion as she sipped water and chatted with her group for two hours. Spears is reportedly staying the weekend in Las Vegas, while Federline is expected to head back to Los Angeles on Saturday to spend Father’s Day with his children, including his sons with Spears, Preston, 2, and Jayden, 1.

Well, I guess Spederline prolly thought it best that they enjoy separate weekends despite the fact that they are both in Vegas at the same time. I’m not sure what the relationship is between Britney and Kevin at this point in their lives (they rarely see each other in person, the kids get handed off between parents by way of bodyguards and nannies). I would imagine that they are friendly but it looks like they aren’t friendly enough to enjoy one another’s company while on vacation. Meh, as long as Britters is enjoying herself with her father and K-Fed is happy with his trophy … that’s all that really matters.

Source: Pink Is The New Blog

Britney Spears’ Bikini Break

The following italicized article is from

Britney Spears gets comfortable in her bikini at the Palms Place pool in Las Vegas on Friday.

The 26-year-old singer/actress was in Vegas to celebrate Father’s Day weekend with her dad, Jamie Spears. The mother-father duo attended the Cinevegas party with Palms hotel owner George Maloof and business associate Jon Gray.

Her ex-husband Kevin Federline was also in Vegas, first stopping off at the Strip House steakhouse and then the Prive club with his entourage.

Source: Just Jared

Britney Swims With The Dolphins

Although Britney didn't attend LOVE at the Mirage tonight in Vegas, she did still have an eventful day! According to the, Britney "was spotted walking out of The Mirage villas and into the tops-optional Bare pool lounge on Saturday. [She] was all smiles as she was escorted into the pool area. She was wearing a very short blue sun dress. Earlier during her day at the Mirage, she was spotted in a wet suit on her way to swim with the dolphins."

Sounds fun. I'm jealous.

Source: Breathe Heavy

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