At 28, she has five number one albums and yet another sold-out tour under her belt, proving that this superstar is as awesome as ever. Now Britney is enjoying some strict downtime...but she made an exception for Cosmo.
You've got to hand it to Britney. She didn't just bounce back last year---she commanded the spotlight and an album that produced back-to-back top-10 singles. When she took her show on the road, The Circus Starring Britney Spears ended up being the highest-grossing North American tour by a solo artist in 2009. After 97 performances around the world, Britney spent her final night under the big top in November and decided to take a well-deserved break from music. Since then, she's turned her talents to fashion and created a flirty clothing line for Candie's. "I had a lot of fun," Britney tells us. "I've never designed clothing before,and I really loved the creative process."
At the moment, she's racking up as much family time as she can. "Things are pretty quiet right now," she says. "I've been spending a lot of time at home with my boys. They just started karate class, which is supercute!" We were lucky enough to drag her away from 4-year-old Sean Preston and 3-year-old Jayden James just long enough for her to pose for a cover shoot and take one of our famous quizzes.
Multiple Choice Questions:
I'm dreading the moment when my sons ask me: How babies are made
If I had to wear one style of shoes for the rest of my life, I'd choose: Flip-flops
Stage fright is something that: Still bothers me
The one stage prop i wish i still had is: The flying pink SUV from my Do Somethin' video.
If a guy wants to make me laugh, all he has to do is: Fall down
If my sons told me they wanted to be in the entertainment business, I'd: Lock them in their rooms until they turned 30
The thought of turning 30 in a year and a half makes me: Reflect on my life so far
I perform my best when: I'm amped
The TV show I'd most love to make a cameo on is: Gossip Girl
Fill In The Blanks:
Even though I've already accomplished so much, I'm driven to achieve more because: I genuinely love what i do and the company I keep is so much fun.
My preferred fashion style when I'm performing is: Exciting, different and always stands out
But when i'm offstage, it's: flattering yet comfortable
I feel most powerful when: I'm working out
I attribute my career's longevity most to: Hardwork
Having people constantly taking my picture is: Something I always knew would come with the job I chose
I've found that a great way to deal with nerves before a performance is to: Move around
When I'm feeling down, I find that I'm always cheered up by: Coffee & ice cream
The person whose opinion matters most to me is: My family
The song I sing to lull my boys to sleep is: Always different
At this point in my life, what's most important to me in a guy is: Personality
The most difficult adjustment to motherhood I had to make was: Teaching my boys potty training
Iif an up-and-coming young performer asked me for advice, I'd tell her: Life is short, have fun.
The most heroic (crossed out heroic and wrote horrific) thing I've ever done is: Broken my knee.
The one thing about men and relationships I wish I'd known 10 years ago is: To say what you want. Speak your mind!
I know it's a little weird, but I think: It's hard to cook
The best advice I ever got was: Be yourself!