A gum-flapper inside Brintey’s camp has leaked details about Brit’s new video:
“A concept is set and ready to go. Earlier this week a poster confirmed the director.
I will say this about the concept - it is brilliant. Very original and thoughtful. Should be a beautiful video while still being semi-taboo. Should also create some controversy (especially among fans). There will be the Jordans’ of the world who digest and analyze it a certain way and everyone else will view it another. That being said - Britney thought of this idea. Her management and label signed off of the treatment. Just keep that in mind in mid-March when you get to watch this gem.
Video shoot is scheduled for first week of February. Single released in mid-March. IUSA was decided, literally, at the last minute. Let’s hope that UY is the fourth, and not OFU (well I personally hope, at least).”
Rumors persist that the director is Jake Nava, who has done dozens of “important” videos like “Crazy In Love” and “Milkshake.”
The following italicized article is from www.contactmusic.com:
BRITNEY SPEARS has reportedly been forced to rerecord her upcoming single IF YOU SEEK AMY after radio stations across the U.S. threatened to ban the song due to its controversial lyrics.
The Toxic hitmaker's track features the chorus "All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to, if you seek Amy" - with the last four words sounding like "F**k me" when sung quickly.
Many DJs reportedly planned to ban the track deeming it too offensive to broadcast.
But Spears has now stepped back into the studio to rerecord the song, dropping the "k" from the end of "seek" and renaming the song "If You See Amy", reports U.K. newspaper The Sun.
Last night, Britney was seen leaving Center Staging after tour rehearsals. The Circus Starring Britney Spears kicks off in less then two months, with the opening show in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Be sure to watch Entertainment Tonight this evening because Britney Spears will be making a big announcement. The show airs at 7:00 PM EST/PST and you do not want to miss it!
Tune in to ET and then come back to BritneySpears.com for even more big announcement details.
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