Sunday, January 27, 2008

Perez's Britney Bashing Hits New Lows

The following italicized article is taken from

Perez Hilton hit a new low this morning, and that's saying something. The Internet rumor mogul posted a Valentine to sadly departed Heath Ledger that unduly heaped venom on Britney Spears by asking, "Why couldn't it be Britney?"

This is so gross we're not even gonna give him a courtesy link.

Mocking easy-target celebs is one thing, but wishing them dead is quite another. Shame on you, man.

Source: E Online


Sage said...

It's about time someone called that sleazy bastard on his trash. Perez is king of the tabloid maggots.

Anonymous said...

If you wish death on somebody else, it could come back to him and he could end up dead. You don't wish death on anybody. How can he have such hate for he when she said he used to be a fan? So she's going through the toughest time in her life and he's going to not only bail on her but wish death on her? It's not funny or cute. And the thing is, he probably doesn't care what anyone says because there are people on his website leaving him nasty comments everyday. I just hope he's lost some fans of his own because of this. That's just low. He's only doing it for attention, but he better watchout, it could lead to his downfall.


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