Friday, March 14, 2008

Can Brit Break The Rules?

The following italicized article is from

Let's put it this way: Wouldn't be surprised if Jamie Spears had emerged from an L.A. courtroom the other day with the ability to shoot lightning from his righteous fists. Such is his newly won, Jupiter-like power.

Observe! Here are three rules currently governing Britney's life and what her dad can do if she tries to disobey:

No spending more than $1,500 a week: That's her new allowance from Dad. But if Britney, say, tries to secretly open a credit card or bank account, Jamie can swoop in and shut it all down. "He can call credit card companies and say, 'Don't honor this card,' " New Jersey family law and litigation attorney Albert Cohn says. "He can close bank accounts."

No unapproved visitors: Woe is the friend Britney tries to sneak in through a window. "Jamie could probably call the cops and call it a trespass," Cohn says. "Think of it this way: He stands in the shoes of the person for whom he is guardian." So, Cohn explains, Jamie could call the police and say that Britney doesn't have the legal competence to invite people into her home. And whoosh! They're gone.

No partying: At least according to reports in places like OK! magazine, which recently claimed that Brit "is no longer allowed to hit the night clubs." So if Britney goes seeking some cocktail waitress to switch outfits with, Jamie could "enlist law enforcement to bring her home."

Let's just hope she's wearing underwear during the ensuing melee.

Source: E! Online

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