Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mark Vincent Kaplan At STK and VILLA.

Hollywood.TV caught up with Kevin Federline's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan at STK and Villa for a chat and to see the guy out of a suit in this exclusive clip.

First things first, we asked about how Kevin felt things were going with
Britney and the kids. Mr Kaplan said everyone was 'consciously optimistic'.

Now let's get down to business. We know Mr Kaplan the attorney. Dressed for court, conservative suit. Well groomed. But now! He's got a baseball cap and a hoody. It looks like he comes about 2 seconds from locking lips with his hot blond right in front of the world press, for which SHE apologises. Man, he's a good attorney.

So, these new threads. There's something familiar about it all. Then it clicks. Kevin's gone upmarket. Nothing but designer for his ass nowadays. So what happened to what he used to wear? You know. The baseball caps. The hoodies.

Well... I think we can guess. And the way with the ladies? We would've guessed that Kevin may have tips, but does an attorney really need any tips when it comes to a smooth line?

Source: Hollywood.tv

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