Friday, April 4, 2008

K-Daddy's Lawyer -- Don't Stop Believin'

The following italicized article is from

Leaving a $2,000 tip at a Vegas strip club doesn't mean you're taking advantage of the ex-wife who's footin' your tab (payin' his lawyer's bills and forkin' over $20k a month in alimony) -- it just means you love the ladies.

Kevin Federline's meticulously-dressed super duo of Elliot Mintz and Mark Vincent Kaplan had "issues" with our story yesterday, detailing the tens of thousands K-Fed dropped in Vegas in a recent eight-month period.

MVK said we shouldn't believe every claim Brit's mouthpiece writes down on legal paper. But dude, K-Fed flashed more plastic than the chicks at Scores the night he laid down a $2,000 tip on his $365 bar tab -- and we have the AMEX bill to prove it.

Source: TMZ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop covering for him mark. The guy is taking money that does not belong to him. He should be able to pay his own legal bills and you know it.


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