Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Life & Style

"What mom really thinks about Jamie Lynn and Britney's problems." That headline doesn't bug me, cause let's be honest... it's freakin' Life & Style, like... who cares what they say. The part that does creep me out a little is the "Exclusive Interview" above the headline. I assume they're full of shit, and Lynne didn't say anything to them, and if she did it was hopefully telling them to fuck off. Well... I'm sure she said it a little more eloquently. Maybe not. The exclusive interview is probably one of their janitors who just happened to be walking by, and was asked by the desperate intern writing this story what they thought of Britney & Jamie Lynn's problems. Ya heard?

Poor Lynne. I just want to give her a hug.

Update: I tried. I tried giving her the benefit of the doubt. But she did it. She really did give an interview saying: "I am a bit disappointed that my youngest daughter got pregnant at such an early age." And Britney? "I pray for Britney everyday to be a better mother. She's gone through a lot of trauma, and she seems to be coming out of it; and it showing with her relationship with the boys; they're really bonding." She continues to say, "I think 2008 will be a better year for all of us." Blah. Enjoy...

Source: Breathe Heavy

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