Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Brit Going Back To Court

The following italicized article is from www.x17online.com:

X17 has confirmed that Britney and K-Fed (or at least their lawyers) will be back in court tomorrow, where the commissioner in her custody case will hear Brit's plea for monitored visitation.

According to TMZ, Brit's lawyers plan to ask for "visitation in a therapeutic setting", which, they surmise, is a "creative way" for her family to force her to seek help.

Additionally, they say Brit's been ordered to have a mental health evaluation (called a 730), which she has so far refused to participate in. It's unlikely if she continues to refuse the 730 that the court would allow her to regain visitation, even in a therapeutic setting.

X17 will bring you more details on this breaking story as soon as we have them!

Brit seems to have gotten serious about the process, let's hope she wins her bid for visitation!

Source: X17

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