Saturday, February 2, 2008

LA Lawmaker Wants Anti-Paparazzi 'Safety Zone' Ordinance

A city councilman has proposed an ordinance to create a buffer zone between celebrities and the paparazzi who often swarm around them.

Councilman Dennis Zine said the measure would require several feet (meters) of space between photographers and celebrities to ensure a "personal safety zone."

"This is about common decency," Zine said Friday following a City Council meeting. "We don't want to put the media out of business, but there has to be some reason when they do their job."

Zine's motion proposing the ordinance said the buffer space must be big enough to allow cars and people to pass safely. It did not specify what penalties, if any, someone would face if someone violated the measure.

Last month, Britney Spears was taken from her home by paramedics amid a frenzy of photographers who crowded and chased the ambulance. This week she was again hospitalized, but a phalanx of police vehicles and a helicopter escorted the ambulance.

The motion notes that the paparazzi "are becoming increasingly aggressive in their tactics, posing a clear danger not only to the people they are trying to photograph, but to the general public around them."

Read more here!

Source: Untouchable Britney

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