Friday, July 18, 2008

Britney and Kevin Settle Custody Battle

The following italicized article is from

There will be no more out of control Britney and Kevin court dates because the custody battle has been settled before it could go to trial. Chances are it would get real messy if it went to trial and both parties are just trying to avoid that.

Both Kevin and Britney signed an agreement that reportedly gives Kevin sole custody and Britney visitation rights.

"The case has been settled," K. Fed's lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, told E! Online. "The court still has to approve it. "

Ummm…what changed? Didn’t Kevin already have sole custody? Wasn’t Britney fighting to get 50/50 custody? Maybe Britney’s camp knew that was impossible at this time and will try again at a later date.

Source: Hollyscoop

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