Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Britney's New Fragrance 'Hidden Fantasy'?

Here's exclusive information I received from Manizer:

"Hi Kevin,

I work as a make up artist for Elizabeth Arden and 2 weeks ago we had a little meeting about all the new releases that we are going to have as for make up and perfumes.

Britney is releasing a new perfume, it's a from the Fantasy family, called "Hidden Fantasy" and the bottle is the same as the previous two, only difference is the color red on it.

I don't know if she has shot the photos for the promotion, but the packing has fairies, unicorns, and cherries being that the cherries are the stronger notes in the new perfume.

We didn't get more of it because the it's not coming out til Nov-Dec."

Source: U Britney

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