Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thank God She’s Back

The following italicized article is from www.hollywoodbubble.com:

Remember last year when Britney, Paris, and Lindsay were down in the dumps? But now, it looks like Britney is finally re-emerging as the pop powerhouse. Her new video? INSANE!!!! Her dance moves, body, smile, basically everything about her is back on top.

But then there’s Lindsay –> the poor girl has nothing. It’s obvious she tries to emulate Britney. Her whole lesbian thing? A desperate cry for attention. She hasn’t had a hit movie or CD since Mean Girls.

People need to stop looking for the next Britney, because there is only one Britney Spears. She appeals to so many fans, and just as many critics. She is crazy. She is normal. She is nice.

She’s everything that people feel inside, just magnified to the largest and most extreme norm. Miley isn’t Britney, Madonna isn’t Britney, only Britney is Britney.

Paris Hilton’s career is dead.

Lindsay’s career is dead.

Britney’s is just beginning.

So, now Britney Spears must reintroduce herself to the world, her fans, and to her critics. Her new music video for “Womanizer” embodies new Britney 3.0, post her “issues.” She’s starting new. She’s no longer the girl finding her way into adulthood, she’s a woman finding her place in the world. Lynne Spears said she hopes that Britney will find her purpose in life. I believe she’s already found it. Because Britney Spears’ purpose is to entertain.

The best part is, it feels like her entertainment (music, videos, dancing) is finally being the source of the entertainment. Not her life, not Adnan, not any of that stuff.

What the h*ll was she thinking? She wasn’t thinking. But now, her management is. And more importantly, Britney Spears is thinking. We all know what happened last time Britney set off to conquer the music industry. So I think everybody should look out.

Source: Hollywood Bubble

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